Leoteca - Parte de Smartick

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Cinq amis

Autor: Junko Nakamura

Cinq amis, Chawoui le chameau, Chooro le cochon, Moussoon le bouc, Kopi le Kangourou et Pinki le pinson vivent ensemble à la ferme. Un jour, chacun doit aller vivre de son côté, mais continue à penser à ses amis. Être séparé sans s’oublier, pouvoir s’aimer à distance, espérer se revoir, telles sont les belles leçons de ce petit livre très simple mais d’une grande qualité de sentiments.

Five friends, Chawoui the camel, the pig Chooro, Moussoon the goat, Kopi the Kangaroo and the chaffinch Pinki live together on a the farm. One day, each one must go off to live on his own, but still continues to think of his friends. To be apart without ever forgetting, to be able to love each other even when distant, the hope of meeting again, such are the beautiful lessons to draw from this little book, very simple but with such a high quality of feelings.